The reports page is the main page of Offensity. It shows the issues your domains have.
You can apply some filters to only see issues for certain Teams, Top-Level-Domains or subdomains.
In the middle you see a date picker that lets you choose to go back in time to see what vulnerabilities you had in the past.
At the top you see your current risk rating.
The Share-Report button lets you generate a report of the current issues shown. This will generate a PDF file and you can copy or send the URL to the file do email recipients. The Link is valid for 7 days.
With the filter drop-down you can show:
- All Issues
- Critical Issues only
- High + Critical Issues only
- Dismissed Issues only
- Resolved Issues only
- Unresolved Issues only
- New (this week) Issues
- Issues new & resolved (last month)
You can expand each Issue by clicking on the + or the issue name. Collapsing works the same way.
The expanded Issue shows you:
- a Description
- the Affected Systems
- a Recommendation
- Links to additional information on the Issue
Each expanded Issue has 3 buttons beneath the title that allow you to:
- Share only the Issue (like sharing the full report)
- Add notes (you can select which affected systems for the note)
- Dismiss Issues (you can select which affected systems for the note)
The second subpage of the Reports is the Infrastructure view. Here you can get an overview of all the identified IP addresses and open ports of the systems we are scanning for you.
The search field gives you some hints on how to use it.
You can also export the infrastructure as a CSV file.
The fianl subpage of reports is the Summary. Here you get a management overview of
- the scanned systems
- the Issues
- the Remediations